Random #6

Dragon Ball The most motivational and inspirational anime I’ve ever watched has got to be Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. Starting with the original DB which is pureness at heart with a young Son Goku heart of gold who can always laugh and have fun no matter what happens teaches the type of mindset that you need in life. As no matter what happens in life, you must think of the bright sight which builds strength of the mind, grown up Goku has this mindset but you can see it in its truest form in the original. Goku has this mindset which is how he is able to enjoy every day to its fullest without having all the tribulations stop his tracks as he has amazing mental fortitude. OG DB Goku has that naivety as a child even as an adult which shows how he can do so much as he is not worrying about everything or doubts his worth and he has so much dedication you can’t help but be motivated like him. His dedication to everything is infectious in its final form, if you have seen a lot of Drago...