3-gatsu no Lion
The story follows Rei Kiriyama, a shogi elite that has been a savant at an early age and grew up being in the light of success, but as he grows older, he realises the amount of pressure and finds it hard to keep a float in the world. The opening really speaks to it, which actually shows the waves of water that are crashing into him symbolising all his trauma and expectations, etc that he's going through and I think the full animation opening video really metaphorically shows the imbalance of Rei’s life perfectly. Rei however finds three sisters that bring him into their home and show him admiration and love; it’s super wholesome to watch their daily lives and make Rei come out of his comfort zone. For me, I very much relate to Rei as when I first started watching, I experienced very much what he was going through and it’s very cathartic to watch this anime as it deals with so much heavy and deep stuff, but also it’s a very meaningful life lesson for anyone going through stuff. I’d...