The Best
Sometimes anime gets reality better than what almost everyone perceives it to be and can even teach us more than we know ourselves, with many limitless subjects to be invested into; it is no wonder why anime is so popular and becoming more acceptable (except by boomers) Today I will explore what anime gets just right about things few get right. Anime/Manga - One Punch Man Rating - 1000/10 Creator - ONE The thing that I really love about One Punch Man is that it's a light-hearted tone throughout the show which doesn’t take itself seriously but at the same it’s very serious in what the product offers because; most series show you all the potential in one go to reel in the viewers, then relax and make easy bank by doing as low effort content as possible. However, what One does is he never stops in quality and great content; by never overselling his product with smoke and mirrors. In turn never stopping in having the most outstanding scenes, characters, and always new introducti...