Completionist Insanity #1
This series is me talking about shows, I'm finishing from my on hold list. Senko-san I put on hold Senko-san because I got really bored of the anime, with it being uneventful through the first 6 episodes, of the same troupes and loli intimacy between the two characters; which I really didn’t like at all with the sexual innuendos with fluffing the tail because it's very weird and maybe I'm getting old but I just find the lewd loli stuff disgusting. (you know what the creepy old men running the studio are trying to tell). I guess you could put most of this show in the category of weird loli romance, that’s personally I’m tired of seeing; it’s fine if it just moe blob stuff but making it lewd it not fine and everyone is just like the Chad meme with two Chads saying anime has loli lewds and other one says yes, I know. This anime is not directly lewd except lady sora, (which god dam them bazongas) but it’s obvious the makers were trying to go down that path with all the hints i...