Norse Mythology in Anime
This blog is tough to do as I didn’t know anything about Norse mythology because I had to do a lot of research and reading. I’m even writing this when I’m sick because I can’t let some flu virus get in the way of this. I will be comparing anime characters I like to Norse mythology; this is a series of mine where I get something random (aka blank put it in anime), and I make a blog about it like Greek mythology and Chinese philosophy (yin and yang). This time I’m doing Norse Mythology suggested by my good friend Twin, who slightly inspired me to do this even though I already had it in my planner for so long, so I may as well make it when I’m ill. It’s the next day of writing as my head wasn’t computing, so here goes nothing, although I am worse than before. SPOILER WARNING for Code Geass, Sankarea and Children of the Whales Rea Sanka – Hel Sankarea When researching for this blog, I found out about the goddess of the dead, just like Hel Rea is also half dead and alive, so it’...