Affects of Hype

Hype is the expression of many people when they’re excited for some form of entertainment or legit anything; sometimes over something that is not needed that much attention and some shows are massive because of the hype that it got, it’s a very clever marketing strategy that the anime industry does to get more publicity and money of course. Most often than not this phenomenon can be a double edge sword if they show more than they can deliver and must please the massive attention they brought upon themselves or will get a lot of backlash and in this blog, I will be talking about all this. Please consider that most of what I will be saying is purely my opinion so please do not get angry if you disagree.

Pros –

Sometimes hype can be a good thing when the anime deserves the attention like with Gurren Lagann and Attack on Titan, these shows have a lot of hype for good reasons; Attack On Titan gets a ton of hype because of it was an already a very established anime and manga that is a very original idea and there are no anime like that, so hype is sometimes great if the attention is on the ones who need it. Shows like Attack on Titan even gets the attention of non anime fans because of all the noise around the name so hype can have many other benefits to growing the anime community as every show that gets hyped more people get into watching anime so that’s a good thing.

Continuing on from that thought if it benefits the community, it also benefits the anime industry as with all the hype the more money the industry gets from streaming sites and merchandise so they can continuing anime shows so as much as I don’t really like joining a hype train, I don’t want hype to disappear as I can see why its needed in this community. Even if the hype for animes that are blown way out of proportion and the watchers get disappointed because they didn’t deliver or was completely from what they expected its still sort of a good thing as it still gets publicity, like the saying “bad publicity is good publicity” because think of this, who hasn’t heard of Sword Art Online that actually watches anime (I bet that number is slim to none)

Cons –

Hype can be defined as extravagantly intensive publicity; the key word here is intensive, almost too intensive sometimes. Hype in my opinion can create more harm than good, When an anime gets lot of attentions and excitement for it, it usually goes way too overboard and blows something that is not even that amazing way out of the water; I’m going to keep bringing up this anime but it’s the most prime example of this phenomenon; shows like SAO that weren’t that inherently terrible but because of all the hype it had, people over estimated it to be something good but it later showed it failed short of it so people say it’s the worst anime because of all the disappointment. When a show is getting all the talk about it a lot it forces some people to watch it even though they might not enjoy it because they will be left out of conversations about it or it can have the opposite effect from this, which is because its getting a lot of attention it puts a lot of people from watching it as everyone forcing them to watch or some people want to watch shows that aren’t going to get spoiled all the time.

Shows that get a ton of exposure may steal spotlight of anime that might be better like when Yuri on Ice was airing it dominate all anime conversations and stuff on that season while other shows like Flip Flappers were hardly getting talked about when or even Funi wo Amu which had a fraction of watchers, I believe this to be a bad thing as when a show is getting all the attention no one gets to talk or discover all the smaller shows that deserve it better than the hyped ones. Another reason is that in todays age there are a lot of hypebeasts even in the otaku world (A hypebeast is someone who enjoy…. let’s say, anime in this case because of everyone is talking about it and its popular/”hype” hence the word hypebeast) a portion of people seem like they have no voice and they digest what people say about an anime and make it there own so people can be blinded by the popularity and not think about if the show is actually good which you can watch something casual and have it as mindless entertainment but if everyone does that then simple shows will be up higher and better ones will be shun and anime industry always caters to the audience so more of the thought provoking anime will stop being made and have a lot of cookie cutter anime will be made. Well that’s my opinion anyway.

Conclusion –

The conclusion is that hype has more negatives than positive, hype is not great for the community but needed for the industry to keep striving. Let’s hope that shows that deserve it get the attention it needs, this may be a problem with our community so if you’re reading this, make sure to talk about the animes that are under appreciated which can be the first step to stopping this conundrum, remember to make your own opinions before listening to hype-train, first go off and watch the anime see if you like or not without being swayed by it and then you join the hype if it reached the level of excitement people be saying. At least me making this blog the problem might make a small impact and that’s one baby step until a greater future.

Thanks for reading


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