Ninja Trend in Anime
Trend Introduction - The Ninja trend in anime revolves around historically mercenary units that were used in feudal Japan in the Sengoku Period (15th - 17th Century) Ninja's or Shinobi both derive from "Shinobi No Mono" meaning "One Who Endures" Ninja's in entertainment such as shounen or action anime are more often based on legends and folklores rather than being historically accurate In history, Shinobi mainly were used for espionage, assassination, infiltration and guerilla warfare for regional clans to be used as spies to retrieve Intel on neighbouring clans and to gain power, historical accounts of Ninja's or Shinobi are scarce but we do know that they used teachings of Ninjutsu which is strategies and tactics of unconventional warfare while using various equipment associated with Ninjas such as shuriken, kunai, katana's and kudarigama (et cetera) Where as, in popular culture it's often associated with superhuman powers such as flight, invis...