The Forgotten Yu-Gi-Oh Season

 Hello. The names I go by are kona/coma, or connor. This blog is going to be about Yu-Gi-Oh, I've been a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh since I was a young anime girl I would watch a few episodes of my anime girl childhood and buy/collect the trading card game as well so I know what I'm talking about, guys (not really don't listen to this idiot) so introductions a side I hope you enjoy this blog it's pretty short like my last one and it's a bit random xD

Now when I "the great and only kona the first" of amino says "Yu-Gi-Oh", something automatically springs to your cranium, you're like (wow assumptions you know it's not good to assume things, how dare you assume common thoughts of the otaku community) "ahh yesh, Yu-Gi-Oh the famous show that was broadcasted across every single first world western country by the corporate television giant know as 4Kids (at that time, can't say it is nowadays, where you at 4Kids come and censor our shounen anime to the extreme) you know Yu-Gi-Oh series with 224 episodes that originally aired in Japan in the early 2000's; no no no I'm not talking about that one, I'm actually here to everyone's surprise, going to talk about the mysteriously infamous Season 0 which most otaku's call it by on the web.

Yu-Gi-Oh season 0 is basically Yu-Gi-Oh before it was Yu-Gi-Oh before it was a trading card game before it would have some trashy alternative clones that recently aired (Vrians ofc lol) now you're thinking "Kona-sama-kun-senpai my lord, if this isn't about Yu-Gi-Oh then what the frickidity heck is this about then) well I'm glad you asked fellow anon, this show is still Yu-Gi-Oh but only a tiny bit of it is; the show actually does show some "duel monsters" that are in the other one but this Yu-Gi-Oh is all about games in general.

In my opinion Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0 is immensely different than the bigger one as Kaiba is more of a asshole, twisted and evil, Yugi sounds more puny and weak than usual, yami is actually evil and there's a extra character called Nosaki Miho which was completely wrote off in the "original" series. Oh yeah also Kaiba's has green hair, I'm not even joking his is goddamn green and I'm not talking about a dark shade of green; I'm talking about a luminescent green that would give a traffic warden a run for there money.

The story as usual goes: our main protagonist as you can tell from his extremely extremist hair-do thing that would make hair stylists envious of him, click now to find out his secret!! Yes I'm talking about Yugi Moto. Yugi finds a ancient artifact called The Millennium Puzzle in his grandpa's game shop, Yugi a lover of puzzle games does what he does best and solves the puzzle then wished for friendship then only to get possessed by an ancient Egyptian pharoh named yami who has no recollection of himself and his past life and also is the complete opposite of Yugi evil, badass and confident

Yugi, Anzu, Jounouchi, Honda and filler character Miho love there daily lives but somehow manage to always end up encountering misfortune and bad luck when they are confronted by Bullies, Mafia Gangsters, Rich Scumbags (cough cough Kaiba cough) and gruesome bloodthirsty criminals and no other than Yami is here to save the day by challenging them to a game of some sort or puzzle because you know a dangerous serial killer is going to be stop with a game of chess and when the bad guy loses which is all the time Yami ends up always turning them insane or killing them with the power of a shadow game because of this the anime is kinda of predictable but it still super enjoyable to watch because it's has more of a violent and sinister tone to it than what you would think.

Yami is much different than in Duel Monsters the Yami you know is a hero of justice and destroys all evil but this one is a savage psychopath who gets his kicks from making the villain lose his sanity by playing mind games with him and giving them hallucinations or just straight up murdering them after all his is the king of games so he can never lose

Now let's talk about the filler character known as Miho. She is a dumb childish generic anime girl with blue hair, who is so gullible and innocent I'm surprised she is made it this far in life but even if her character is cliche I think she fitted well in the series because Honda's character had a crush on her it made his persona seem less useless as he had some actual motive unlike the other Honda

What's also different is that the art style is completely different from the 2000's series because it's very low budget which makes it reminiscent of 90's animation style, very muddy and low colour also basically it's ugly. It's not anything impressive for its time but regardless of this if you set aside the animation it's worth a watch

Thanks for reading this mini-review!


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