
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Forgotten Yu-Gi-Oh Season

 Hello. The names I go by are kona/coma, or connor. This blog is going to be about Yu-Gi-Oh, I've been a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh since I was a young anime girl I would watch a few episodes of my anime girl childhood and buy/collect the trading card game as well so I know what I'm talking about, guys (not really don't listen to this idiot) so introductions a side I hope you enjoy this blog it's pretty short like my last one and it's a bit random xD Now when I "the great and only kona the first" of amino says "Yu-Gi-Oh", something automatically springs to your cranium, you're like (wow assumptions you know it's not good to assume things, how dare you assume common thoughts of the otaku community) "ahh yesh, Yu-Gi-Oh the famous show that was broadcasted across every single first world western country by the corporate television giant know as 4Kids (at that time, can't say it is nowadays, where you at 4Kids come and censor our shounen anime ...